Melissa Miller

Full Stack Web Development Superhero


Air Quality Reports:

Breezometer API

Users can input their location and receive an easy to read and understand report of their local air quality. Follows standard conventions suggested by the React community including breaking views and logic into components and containers and using inline styling.

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iHave To Go:

Ruby on Rails
Google Maps API

Users can find and rate public restrooms based on accessibility and cleanliness. The goal of this project was to have an AngularJS front-end pulling data from a Rails supplied API on the back-end. We also included an external API to deliver an easy to read map.

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Emotional Corgum:

Ruby on Rails
Devise for user authentication

Users can create persistent new content and make comments on existing content. Follows a MVC architectural pattern and uses standard Ruby on Rails conventions.

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Cryptly URL Shortener:


Generates a random code to use for shortening urls. When using this code, Cryptly will redirect the user to their intended site.

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Superhero Stats

Melissa Miller

Download Resume

I provide full-stack web development, with specialization in React and Ruby on Rails. I love learning about new technologies, both the challenges and potential that they offer.

When not programming, I enjoy playing with my dogs, traveling, and making useful things around the house. I also make frequent trips to Disney World.

  • First Appearance: Web Development Immersive at General Assembly
  • Special Powers: Ruby on Rails, React, Test-Driven Development
  • Fighting Skills: Ruby, Java, JavaScript, Python, HTML, CSS
